Hello & Welcome to my online portfolio. My name is Jamjun Rorsoongnern, Jam for short, & this platform acts a place to compile (and show off) some of the work that I do, both writing and some art. Please check out the "about" tab at the top of the page for more information about me. :)
Here you can find most of my digital works, however this isn't a complete portfolio. Some of my longer academic epapers aren't attached here, instead they are listed with a short abstract, but please feel free to email me for access to these! Additionally I have some physical zines that I have yet to digitize that are also available via email
For business, consulting, and other similar inquiries please feel free to send me an email or form submission on the contact page. I'd be more than happy to send over a cv or resumé for any purposes. I'm also in the process of pitching and submitting for publication, so if you are interested in hearing more about any of these pieces or something new please reach out.